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A return to a COVID-Safe Summer

As we celebrate Victoria’s return to a COVID-safe Summer after The Premier’s announcement today, we would like to remind everyone that there are still restrictions in place to ensure everyone’s health and safety.  You can read the guidelines here.

As a disability service provider, supporting some of Victoria’s most vulnerable people, OC Connections will continue to implement organisational based requirements to protect our staff, participants and community.

What has changed for OC Connections:

  • Face to face support coordination meetings is reinstated.
  • Whist the Premier announced 75% return to work for the public and private sector, OCC will reinstate to 50% return to work.

What hasn’t changed:

  • Masks are still required to be worn by staff on site at OC Connections and OCC Enterprises
  • The maximum of two (2) visitors to a house at any one point in time.
  • Eye protection is no longer required (other than when at risk to exposure of bodily fluids)
  • One (1) visitor allowed for each resident per day (up to one hour duration only)
  • No changes to transport limitations at this point.  This means when shared transport is being used, such as OCC buses and cars, a distance of 1.5 metres should be kept between people travelling who are not from the same household.
  • Centre-based (Day Support) services will continue at standard COVID density requirements (1:2 sqm)
  • OCCE can operate within COVID density requirements

Once again, our staff will be in contact with families and participants to outline the impact this has on the care of our participants.

We continue to ask everyone to ensure they stay informed on Victoria’s COVID-safe rules by visiting  You can also contact us on 9569 0603 or at should you have any queries regarding our operations at this time.

Therese Desmond
CEO, OCC Connections


COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Current COVID-Safe Summer guidelines

DHHS Exposure Site Updates

The Australian Government COVID-19 Head to Health wellbeing resource