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Certificate I in Transition Education Graduation

Congratulations to our seven participants who graduated from the Certificate I in Transition Education in July.  Brienna, Bradley, Artishna, Ariane, Zane, Shirley, Mohammad and David were presented with their Certificates by training provider Moe Life Skills in celebration of their achievements.

The Certificate I training involves participants undertaking one day per week developing the skills and confidence needed at work and in everyday life.

The Moe Life Skills team deliver ten units over 6 months, covering self-development, travel, learning plans, community participation, technology, personal health, reading and writing and media.

The participants were excited to be presented their certificates in front of their family and teaching staff. Shirley and Mohammed gave speeches, thanking their teachers and fellow students and Shirley spoke about her goal to work in a Library.

All of the graduates will now begin the Certificate I in Work Education, where they will develop work ready skills while working in a food van as well as undertaking other work experience which they have researched and selected themselves.

The food van will cater to staff at OC Connections Enterprises later in the year.