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Building independence through travel

OC Connections (OCC) participant Deb recently travelled to Perth to visit her family for Christmas. She was supported by Jen, a Disability Support Work from OCC. 

Having supported Deb on a previous visit to Perth in June 2019, Jen was happy and honoured that Deb’s family requested that she support Deb again over Christmas. 

How the trip came to be

In the past Deb’s brother Trevor would fly from Perth to Melbourne to collect Deb and they would fly back to Perth together. He would then escort her home to Melbourne then fly home to Perth. Lots of flying at much cost!

With Deb’s family so special to her and a huge part of her life, the family decided to request travel support through Deb’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan. 

In the plan application, the family requested that a Support Worker assist Deb in her travel to and from Perth as well as support for her while she was on her holiday.  

Deb’s family

Trevor, his wife Marianna, son David and Kendra, their Golden Labrador (who Deb just adores) live in the Perth suburb of Subiaco.

“Deb is very close to Trevor and his family. To see how supportive they are of her makes me so happy. They are extremely accommodating, kind and caring. They also made me feel welcome and appreciated.”

Jen M, Disability Support Worker at OC Connections

Christmas celebrations in Perth

It was a busy and social time during Deb’s stay. Trevor and Marianna had guests from Canada.  The family also hosted a big Christmas party for friends and neighbours a couple of days before Christmas.

Deb especially enjoyed Christmas Day when the family enjoyed a wonderful lunch together. There was even a visit from Santa (thanks to a neighbour). 

“Deb was so happy to spend time with family.” Jen M

On Boxing Day, Deb and Trevor’s brother Robbie arrived from Sydney. It was perfect timing for Robbie to join Trevor, Deb and Jen on a visit to Perth Zoo. 

Supporting Deb in the future

Jen stays in contact with Deb and supports her to various appointments when needed. Jen looks forward to keeping up a strong working relationship with Deb. 

 About Jen, Disability Support Worker at OCC

Jen has worked at OCC for 8 years. She loves her role as Disability Support Worker in Community Living. Jen has worked at Dealing Drive since she started at OCC. She knows the residents very well and has formed strong relationships with the residents and their families. She is also a registered volunteer and has supported Linda J and Vlada. She finds her role challenging and rewarding. She says that every day is different!