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Love Loud Initiave – blessing our community

Three large Christmas hampers sit on a bench. In front are 3 Christmas gift bags
Five people in a row.  3 are sitting, holding certificates.  Two are behind standing.

Image: Shamilla Thiruganaselvarn and Bill Pontikis (standing) from Clayton Church of Christ with Therese Desmond (OCC), Colin Bostock (City of Monash) and Ibrahim Maaloof (Monash University) at the Clayton Church of Christ Sunday Service.

The Clayton Church of Christ has been a supporter of OC Connections since 2017 through the Church’s Love Loud Initiative.  Each year the Church coordinates volunteers from their congregation to support OC Connections through activities such as the Christmas Tree Festival and working bees.

This year the Church and its congregation are supporting some OC Connections’ families and individuals in need, through the Love Loud 2021 – Love Thy Neighbour initiative. 

Through this program 18 recipients will be gifted with hampers filled with items of need throughout December. They have been coordinated and produced by members of both the Clayton Church and ReGeneration Church Monash.  This generous donation will not only provide for these individuals and families, but spread joy in a time of need.

“The Love Loud Initiative is simply “blessing our community with no strings attached,” and is gradually expanding it so that all neighbouring churches are able to work together in unity to bless the community,” says coordinator, Shamilla.

“The Clayton Church has been a consistent supporter of OC Connections, continuing to bring its community together to help the people we support, either directly through home improvements, or indirectly through fundraising. This new initiative will have a direct impact on some of our most vulnerable and in need individuals and families and is a great example of what can be achieved when a community comes together to support others.” Therese Desmond, CEO. “We can’t thank them enough for their support and look forward to continuing this wonderful partnership.”

OC Connections relies on the generosity of its community to help fund activities, equipment and opportunities that are not funded by the NDIS. If you would like to support us, you can do so by clicking the button below: