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April is World Autism Awareness Month

April is World Autism Awareness Month and we’d like to support the call out from Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia) and help foster a world of understanding and acceptance for Autism and autistic people, not just awareness. Aspect celebrated World Autism Understanding Day on 2 April and we’d like to continue the push for increased undertanding of Autism, because understanding leads to acceptance, inclusion and support.

Some concerning statistics:

An estimated 1 in 70 people living in Australia are on the autism spectrum

Autistic people still face unemployment rates of around 30% and are four times more likely to experience depression over the course of their lives than their non-Autistic peers!

The following resources are for people with autism, those who support them and for those who want to gain an understanding on the road to acceptance.


Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia) have some fabulous resources, including:

autism awareness

Autism Awareness Australia aims to improve the lives of all Australians on the autism spectrum and the families who love them.

They have a resources page with what they believe to be the best resources in specific categories, so you don’t have to do the searching.