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All hands on deck for the Kinder Kits project!

This year, every Victorian child starting 3-year-old kindergarten will receive a Kinder Kit. A Kinder Kit is a fun-filled box with books, toys and activities made especially for three-year-old’s to enjoy at home, engaging them in education from early in life.

This means that 85,000 kinder kits needed to be assembled for this State Government initiative. And that’s where OCCE came in!

In late 2022, Bao & Co won the tender and OC Connections Enterprises (OCCE) became the contract packer for the Kinder Kits. 

From that moment on it has been all hands-on deck at the OC Connections Enterprises warehouse!

The entire team were excited to start receiving the stock from mid-November, with pallets arriving by the truckload daily. The operations team worked seamlessly with all the supported employees to ensure packing lines and training were completed well before the commencement of this monumental contract!

By early January 2023, OCCE commenced full packing of the Kinder Kits on four conveyor belt style work lines. Supported employee teams from the Car Washing and Document Management spaces stepped up to assist, as well as volunteers from OC Connections Head Office and OCCE.

We also had help from family and friends, Board Directors, and external suppliers, who volunteered their time to ensure that the production of the Kinder Kits was completed in the required time frame.

Collectively, we dispatched 2000 – 4000 units daily and the last consignment was dispatched on the 23rd February.

This is the first time OCCE have undertaken a project of this scale and it could not have been done without the efforts of the team at OCCE, the hard working and dedicated supported employees, and everyone who volunteered their time.

OCCE would like to acknowledge the:

  • 94 supported employees who packed during their scheduled shift.
  • 13 supported employees who packed on a Saturday.
  • 14 OCCE staff and 14 family/friends who packed on a mid-week evening or Saturday.
  • 16 OCC staff and 15 family/friends who volunteered during the week or on a Saturday.
  • 3 Board Directors who volunteered during the week or on a Saturday.
  • 16 suppliers of Kinder Kit products and Bao & Co.
  • 1 OCC volunteer who helped on a Saturday.

This is an amazing accomplishment by everyone!  And best of all, every 3-year-old child attending kindergarten will receive their educational kit thanks to everyone’s efforts.

To connect with us about work and volunteering opportunities, call us on (03) 9569 0603 or click here to visit our Volunteer page.