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Many people living with disabilities integrate communication tools into their lives.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is important for people with communication difficulties – these systems and tools provide avenues to share thoughts, feelings and needs in real time.

What is AAC?

To augment is to add or supplement something to your speech, such as sign language or a symbol board. Alternative Communication is a replacement for speech mostly used by those who are not able to speak or are not understood.

Aided AAC tools are communication devices and systems, including symbol boards, communication books, keyboards, speech-generating devices and applications for mobiles and computers.

What do we use?

At OC Connections, participants use multiple methods of Aided AAC, including tangible communication boards and mobile applications for tablets. Participants also incorporate different types of Unaided ACC, such as facial expressions, gestures and sign language to augment their communication styles.

What are the best Aided AAC tools?

There are many Aided AAC tools out there. For those who require digital support on-the-go, mobile and tablet applications may be the most beneficial means of communication.

  • Free open-source speech communication
  • Simple user interface
  • Many personalised voice and image options
  • Available on Google Play Store
  • Free communication tool
  • Entirely personalised with extensive video guidance online
  • Speech aid software converts communication boards into communication devices
  • Anyone can create an aid in PowerPoint and upload the template to app

Programs run on any platform – tablets, phones, laptops

  • Most popular assistive communication app for Apple users
  • Flexible and personalised
  • Symbol-based communication
  • Supports switches and keyguards
  • 100 voices to choose from
  • Offers NDIS-compliant tax invoices, service bookings, convenient purchasing options

Printable core word boards available for download

  • Compatible with touchscreen or keyguard
  • Able to track eye movement
  • Simple buttons but can also connect to devices that are controlled by facial expressions

Customised voices, speed, accents, ages, pitch and pronunciation

What kind of communication aids do you use?